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The Ultimate Guide to Air Purifiers for Wildfire Smoke: Breathe Easier During Fire Season

Written by Robert Mowles Friday, July 12, 2024
Posted in General

Wildfires are becoming increasingly common, with hundreds of wildfires burning in provinces across Canada each year.  They are starting earlier, burning longer and in some cases they smoulder year round.  In addition to the obvious danger fires pose to people and properties, the smoke from wild fires ranges from annoying to toxic.  As a result many people are adding air purifiers in homes and offices to combat wildfire smoke.

But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the right air purifier for wildfire smoke? This comprehensive guide will help you understand the risks of wildfire smoke, the benefits of air filters or purifiers, and how to select the best one for your needs.

Table of Contents:

1. Understanding the Dangers of Wildfire Smoke

2. How Air Purifiers Combat Wildfire Smoke

3. Key Features to Look for in an Air Purifier for Wildfires

4. Tips for Maximizing Your Air Purifier's Effectiveness

5. Additional Measures to Protect Your Indoor Air Quality

6. FAQs About Air Purifiers and Wildfire Smoke


1. Understanding the Dangers of Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke contains a complex mixture of gases and fine particles that can pose serious health risks, especially for sensitive groups such as children, older adults, and those with respiratory conditions. How smoke affects each person, depends on the length of exposure, their health status, and the concentration of smoke.  The fine particles and VOCs contained within wildfire smoke can easily penetrate into indoor air.

The main components of wildfire smoke that cause concern:

  • Particulate matter, primarily PM2.5: These are tiny particles 2.5 µm (microns) or smaller, that can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause or increase various respiratory issues. 
  • Carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless gas that can cause headaches and dizziness
  • Volatile organic compounds or VOCs for short:  These include various chemicals that can irritate the eyes and respiratory system.
  • Exposure to these pollutants can aggravate existing conditions and lead to various health issues, including:
  • Eye and throat irritation
  • Coughing and shortness of breath
  • Worsening of existing respiratory conditions like asthma
  • Increased risk of heart attacks and stroke


2. How Air Purifiers Combat Wildfire Smoke

Air purifiers work by filtering out harmful particles and gases from the air, helping to improve indoor air quality during wildfire events.  Here's how they tackle the main components of wildfire smoke:

True HEPA filters: These High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters Capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, including most of the dangerous PM2.5 and also larger particles such as pollen, dust, mold, bacteria, and airborne viruses like flu and Covid19.

Activated carbon filters: Absorb gases, VOCs, and odors associated with wildfire smoke

Ionization: Can help capture smaller particles by giving them an electrical charge


By continuously circulating and filtering the air, purifiers can significantly reduce the concentration of harmful pollutants inside your home and office.

3. Key Features to Look for in an Air Purifier for Wildfires

When selecting an air purifier for wildfire smoke, consider the following features:

a) True HEPA filtration: Ensure the purifier uses a genuine HEPA filter, not just "HEPA-like" or "HEPA-type."

b) Activated carbon filter: Look for a substantial carbon filter to tackle gases and odors.

c) High Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): Choose a purifier with a CADR appropriate for your room size.

d) Air quality sensor: Automatic adjustment based on air quality can be very useful during wildfire events.

e) Filter replacement indicator: This helps ensure your purifier is always operating at peak efficiency.

f) Quiet operation: Look for purifiers with low noise levels, especially if you'll be using them in bedrooms.

g) Energy efficiency: Consider ENERGY STAR certified models to keep operating costs down.


4. Tips for Maximizing Your Air Purifier's Effectiveness

To get the most out of your air purifier during wildfire season:

  • Run it continuously: Keep your purifier on 24/7 during smoke events.
  • Close windows and doors: Minimize the influx of outdoor air.
  • Place it strategically: Position the purifier in the room where you spend the most time.
  • Maintain proper airflow: Keep the unit away from walls and furniture.
  • Replace filters regularly: Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement.
  • Use multiple units: For larger homes and offices, use air purifiers in each room.
  • For businesses, consider ceiling or wall mount units, as well as those that report problems or may work with building management systems


5. Additional Measures to Protect Your Indoor Air Quality

While an air purifier is a powerful tool, it's best used as part of a comprehensive strategy:

  • Create a clean room: Designate one room with minimal air leaks as a "clean air" space.
  • Use HVAC filters: Install high-MERV filters in your heating and cooling system as the first line of defense from wildfire smoke
  • Avoid indoor pollution: Don't smoke, burn candles, or use gas stoves during wildfire events.  Avoid chemical cleaners or anything else that worsens air quality
  • Use air conditioning: An air conditioner can help filter air while keeping your home or business cool.
  • Monitor outdoor air quality: Use apps or websites to track air quality and plan activities accordingly.


6. FAQs About Air Purifiers and Wildfire Smoke

Q: How often should I replace my air purifier filters during wildfire season?

A: Check your filters more frequently during heavy smoke events. You may need to replace them more often in these cases since they are working much harder to filter pollutants.

Q: Can I use my air purifier with windows open?

A: It's best to keep doors and windows closed during wildfire events to help prevent wildfire smoke from easily entering your home or business.

Q: Are ozone generators effective against wildfire smoke?

A: Ozone generators are not recommended, as ozone can be harmful to health and is not effective at removing particulate matter.

Q: How long does it take for an air purifier to clean a room?

A: This depends on the room size and purifier capacity, but most can significantly improve air quality within 30 minutes to 2 hours.  When researching air purifiers, match the system with your room size and the number of times you wish to have the air filtered.

Q: Can air purifiers remove the smell of smoke?

A: Yes, air purifiers with activated carbon filters are effective at removing smoke odors.



Investing in quality air purifiers can significantly improve your indoor air quality.  Not just during wildfire season, but also during allergy season as well.  Air purifiers can protect your health and enhance comfort. By understanding the key features to look for and following best practices for use, you can breathe easier even when outdoor air quality is poor. Remember, an air purifier is just one part of a comprehensive strategy to protect yourself from wildfire smoke.  Stay informed about air quality in your area and take additional precautions as needed. widget logo